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Focus Theme -  How to modify sidebar advertisement with your advertisement in Focus MyBB theme
This tutorial will teach you how to modify sidebar advertisement with your advertisement in Focus MyBB theme. We are using the latest posts in sidebar plugin by SvePu which you can download below :-


Follow these steps below to add advertisement in sidebar in Focus Responsive theme :-

  1. Go To Admin CP > Templates And Styles > Templates > Select Focus Theme Templates
  2. Go to Index Templates > index
  3. Replace the below
    Please use contact us to advertise here, dimensions 250px X 250px
  4. With this
    <a href="Your advertiser url"><img src="your advertiser image" alt="advertisement" style="width:250px;height:250px;"></a>
That's it!

Hope this tutorial helps you modify sidebar advertisement with your advertisement in Focus MyBB theme.


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